All documents are in PDF format. 单击下面的标题名称以查看策略 and procedures in that category.
十大娱乐彩票平台 policies and procedures documents
- 2.05010 BP Organizational Structure
- 2.05020 DR Division Chairperson System
- 2.05060 BP代理财政大臣
- 2.05060署理主任
- 2.05070 BP校历
- 2.05070 DR学术日历
- 2.05080 BP规划
- 2.05110 BP Safety and Security
- 2.05111 BP Communicable Disease
- 2.05111 DR Communicable Disease
- 2.05112 DP Personal Protective Equipment
- 2.05112 DR眼部保护
- 2.05113 BP危险物质
- 2.05113 DR危险物质
- 2.05115 BP停车
- 2.05115 DR停车
- 2.05130 BP武器占有
- 2.10010 BP Governance System
- 2.10010容灾治理体系
- 2.10020地区政策和程序的发展、修订和废除
- 2.15010 BP年度报告
- 2.15020 BP Institutional Research
- 2.15020 DR Institutional Research
- 2.15040 BP研究
- 2.15040 DR研究
- 2.15050 BP档案
- 2.15050容灾档案
- 2.15060 BP Survey Administration
- 2.15070 BP Institutional Review Board
- 2.20010 BP礼品
- 2.20010 DR礼品
- 2.20040 BP Flags at Half 工作人员
- 2.20050 DR Advisory Committee
- 2.20070 BP Public Communications
- 2.20070 DR Public Communications
- 2.20080 BP记录保留
- 2.20080 DP记录保留
- 2.2009年BP公共记录
- 2.25010 BP利益冲突道德准则
- 2.25020 BP Use of District Resources
- 2.25020 DR Use of District Resources
- 2.25030 BP 金融援助 Code of Conduct
- 2.25030 DR 金融援助 Code of Conduct
- 2.25040 BP 版权ed Materials
- 2.25040 DP 版权ed Materials
- 2.25040 DR 版权ed Materials
- 2.25050 BP信息技术可接受使用
- 2.25060 BP Information Security Program
- 2.25061 DP信息分类与保护
- 2.25062 DP Network Access and Management
- 2.25070 BP身份盗窃预防检测和缓解程序
- 2.25080 BP信息安全事件响应
- 2.25090 BP信息技术网站隐私
- 2.30010 BP Electronic Signatures
- 2.30010 DP Electronic Signatures
- 2.30020 BP社交媒体
- 4.05010 BP预算编制和通过
- 4.05010容灾预算的编制和采用
- 4.05020 BP财政年度
- 4.10020 BP学费和杂费
- 4.10025 DR Tuition and Fee Refund
- 4.10030 BP 社区 Education Fees
- 4.10030 DR 社区 Education Fees
- 4.10040 65岁及以上的BP学费和费用减免
- 4.10040 DR 65岁及以上的学费和费用减免
- 4.10060 BP投资
- 4.10060 DP投资
- 4.10070 BP Selection of Depositories
- 4.10080 BP检查批准
- 4.10090 BP会计系统
- 4.10090容灾计费系统
- 4.10110 BP旅行
- 4.10110 DP旅行
- 4.DP课程和课外旅游
- 4.10140 BP活动费
- 4.10150 BP Student Body Fiscal Affairs
- 4.10170 BP外部资金
- 4.10170 DR外部资金
- 4.15010 BP采购
- 4.15010 DP采购
- 4.15020 BP剩余财产
- 4.15030 DP Purchase Food - Meals
- 4.与外部供应商的BP关系
- 4.20010 BP审计
- 4.25010 BP Auxiliary 服务
- 4.25010 DR Auxiliary 服务
- 6.05030 DP Grade Point Average
- 6.05060 BP转账信用
- 6.05070 DR Academic Forgiveness
- 6.05080博士学生荣誉
- 6.10010 BP Academic Standards
- 6.10011 DP评分标准、课程作业和期末考试
- 6.10012 DP等级变化
- 6.10013 DP转学分
- 6.10014 DP Academic Forgiveness
- 6.10015 DP Credit For Prior Learning
- 6.10017 DP退出和审计注册状态
- 6.10020 BP Degrees and Certificates
- 6.10021博士课程和学分课程的批准和修订
- 6.10030 BP Credit Hour Requirements
- 6.10040 DP地区教学协调委员会
- 6.10050 BP Honors and Special Programs
- 6.10051研究生研究生荣誉
- 6.10052 DR课程目录识别
- 6.10060 BP Continuing Education Units
- 6.10060 DR Continuing Education Units
- 6.10070 BP远程学习
- 6.10070 DP远程学习
- 6.10080 BP Curriculum Approval
- 6.15010 BP学术自由
- 6.15040 BP教学项目服务活动
- 6.15040教学项目的DR服务活动
- 6.15050 BP Use of 版权ed Materials
- 6.15050 DR Use of 版权ed Materials
- 6.15060 DR Assess Final Exam
- 6.15080 BP课程和课外旅游
- 6.15080 DR课程和课外旅行
- 6.15090 DR教材
- 6.20010 BP副学士学位
- 6.20020DP Third Party 认证
- 6.20050 BP Honors and Special Program
- 6.20060 BP Certificate Program
- 6.20060 DR Certificate Program
- 6.20070 BP Program and Discipline Review
- 6.20070 DP Program and Discipline Review
- 6.20080 DP Program Suspension
- 6.20090 DP撤销和审计注册状态
- 6.25010 BP Learning Resources Selections
- 6.25010 DR Learning Resources Selections
- 6.25020 DP测试安置
- 6.25040 BP清晰度
- 6.25040 DR发音
- 6.25060 BP Clinical Affiliations
- 6.25060 DR Clinical Affiliations
- 6.25070 BP教育发展补助金
- 6.25070 DP教育发展补助金
- 6.25070 DR教育发展补助金
- 6.30010 BP Sabbatical Leaves
- 6.30010 DP休假
- 3.05010 BP平等机会确认行动
- 3.05010 DR平等机会肯定行动
- 3.05020 BP Personnel Categories
- 3.05040 DR教师在学科中的安置
- 3.05050 BP裙带关系
- 3.05065 DR就业岗位的创建和修改
- 3.05080 BP Recruitment and Hiring
- 3.05080 DP Recruitment and Hiring
- 3.05110 BP雇佣临时和兼职教员
- 3.05110临时和兼职教师的DP就业
- 3.05110 DR聘用临时和兼职教员
- 3.05115 DP教学资格证书
- 3.05115博士课程教学资格
- 3.05120临时工作人员的DP雇用
- 3.05120 DR Employment of Temporary 工作人员
- 3.05130 BP Student Teachers and Interns
- 3.05130 DR Student Teachers and Interns
- 3.05170 DR Motor Vehicle Safety
- 3.10010教职员工非试用状态
- 3.10010 DR教员非试用状态
- 3.10020 BP行政人员为教员的非试用状态
- 3.10020 DR管理员作为教员的非试用状态
- 3.10030 DR员工试用期
- 3.10050 BP Promotion of 工作人员 Employees
- 3.10050 DR Promotion of 工作人员 Employees
- 3.15020 BP Transfer of Employees
- 3.15020 DR Transfer of Employees
- 3.15030 BP Acting Administrators
- 3.15030 DP Acting Administrators
- 3.15030 DR Acting Administrators
- 3.15040 DP Division Chairpersons
- 3.15040 DR Division Chairpersons
- 3.15050 DP教师临时非教学任务
- 3.15050 DR教师临时非教学任务
- 3.15060 DP临时重新分配教员
- 3.15060 DR教员临时重新分配
- 3.20010 BP薪酬及条件表
- 3.20010 DR薪酬及条件一览表
- 3.20020dr全职非豁免员工的加班费和假期补偿 工作人员
- 3.25010 BP休假
- 3.25010 DP休假
- 3.25015 DP Family and Medical Leave
- 3.25020 BP Employee Due Process
- 3.25020 DR Employee Due Process
- 3.25030 BP Employee Grievance
- 3.25040 BP Employee Organizations
- 3.25040 DR Employee Organizations
- 3.25050 BP人事档案
- 3.25050 DP人员档案
- 3.25050 DR人事文件
- 3.25060 BP美国残疾人法案
- 3.25080 BP Payroll Deductions
- 3.25090 BP参与政治活动
- 3.25091 BP言论表达和集会自由
- 3.25100 BP退役
- 3.25100 DP退休
- 3.25110 BP Summer Assignment for Faculty
- 3.25120 DR Faculty Assignments
- 3.25130 DR假期
- 3.25140 DR Break Periods For 工作人员
- 3.25150 BP赔偿
- 3.25150 DP赔偿
- 3.30010 BP非歧视和骚扰员工
- 3.30010 DP不歧视和骚扰员工
- 3.30015 BP性别歧视和性骚扰员工
- 3.30015 DP性别歧视和性骚扰员工
- 3.30020 BP Theft of District Property
- 3.30030 BP Employee Obligations
- 3.30030 DR Employee Obligations
- 3.30040 BP Commencement Exercises
- 3.30060 BP无药物工作场所,校园和社区
- 3.30060 DR无毒品工作场所,校园和社区
- 3.30070 BP告密者
- 3.35010 BP Evaluation of Employees
- 3.35010 DR Evaluation of Employees
- 3.35030BP休假
- 3.35030 DP休假
- 3.35030 DR休假
- 3.35040 BP Employee Development
- 3.35040 DR Employee Development
- 3.40010 BP District Officer Contracts
- 3.40010 DR District Officer Contracts
- 3.40020 BP教员和管理人员合同
- 3.40020 DP教员和管理人员合同
- 3.40030全日制教师BP减少
- 3.40030博士减少全职教师
- 3.40040 BP Dismissal of Faculty
- 3.40040 DP Dismissal of Faculty
- 3.40050 BP终止资助雇员
- 3.40060 BP Termination of Employment
- 3.40065 DP Progressive Discipline
- 3.40070 BP报告校园虐待和忽视未成年人
- 3.40080 BP Worker's Compensation
- 3.40080 DP Worker's Compensation
- 3.远程办公
- 3.DP远程办公
- 3.50010 BP Consensual Relationships
- 3.50010 DP Consensual Relationships
- 3.50020 BP 十大娱乐彩票平台 Standards of Conduct
- 5.05010 BP Construction Projects
- 5.05010 DR Construction Projects
- 5.05020 BP密苏里产品和密苏里公司
- 5.05030 BP施工管理和变更合同肯定行动
- 5.05030 DR施工管理和变更合同肯定行动
- 5.05040 BP养护建设项目正式验收放行
- 5.05040 DR养护建设项目正式验收放行
- 5.10010 BP设施租赁
- 5.10010 DP设备租赁
- 5.10020 BP 社区 Use of Facilities
- 5.10020 DR 社区 Use of Facilities
- 5.10030 BP无烟草
- 5.10030不含烟草
- 7.05010 BP居民身份
- 7.05010 DP居民状态
- 7.05010容灾居民状态
- 7.10010 BP Admission Requirements
- 7.10010 DR Admission Requirements
- 7.10020 BP重新录取不合格学生
- 7.10040 BP Student Exchange Program
- 7.20010 BP Student Activities
- 7.20020 BP Intercollegiate 体育运动
- 7.20020 DR Intercollegiate 体育运动
- 7.20030 BP Student Political Activity
- 7.25010 BP财政援助
- 7.25010 DR财政援助
- 7.25020奖学金获得者学业进展良好
- 7.25020奖学金受助人学业进展良好
- 7.25030 DR财政援助出席证明
- 7.25040 BP机构奖励和资助
- 7.25050退伍军人福利受助人学业进展良好
- 7.30010 BP Student Rights Privacy
- 7.30010 DR Student Rights Privacy
- 7.30020 BP Non-Discrimination
- 7.30030 BP不歧视和骚扰学生
- 7.30030 DP不歧视和骚扰学生
- 7.30035 BP性别歧视和性骚扰学生
- 7.30035 DP性别歧视和性骚扰学生
- 7.30050 DP医疗自主戒断
- 7.30060 BP Student Complaints
- 7.30060 DP Student Complaints
- 7.35010 BP Code of Student Conduct
- 7.35010 DP Code of Student Conduct
- 7.35020 DR Student Attendance
- 7.40010 BP自由、正当程序和纪律处分
- 7.40020 BP Academic Intervention
- 7.40020 DR Academic Intervention
- 7.40025 BP学术更新
- 7.40025 DR学术更新
- 7.40030被停学或开除学生的BP状态
- 7.40040 BP赔偿丢失或损坏的财产
- 7.40040 DR赔偿损失或损坏的财产
- 7.40050 BP服务动物
- 7.40060 BP Behavior Intervention
- 7.40060 DP行为干预小组/十大娱乐彩票平台关怀