都市社区学院劳动力与经济发展部(WED) is the leader in innovative workforce solutions and community enrichment. 我们的合作伙伴 to first develop our community in order to develop it economically for the growth of the Kansas City metro's citizens; families, businesses, industry, organizations, 和协会.
At 十大娱乐彩票平台 你 can 得到 the education that works for 你,你是否正在寻找
- 行业证书
- 新技能提升你的事业或
- continuing education credits related to licensure or professional development.
Check out these and other options in的 listings below.
Our Commitment is to SHAPE a better future:
- To Support business and industry in achieving their growth and expansion goals
- To H帮助个人获得必要的培训,以便在任何级别上不断向上流动
- To Assist non-profit organizations in accomplishing their mission
- To Partner with communities desiring to enhance the quality of life of its members
- To Eliminate income disparities within 十大娱乐彩票平台's service region
加入我们的努力,请随意 支持我们的学生奖学金. You will be helping individuals to move from poverty to sustainability!
大都会社区学院在培养本地区的劳动力方面处于领先地位 职业技术教育. Today's industrial workplace is undergoing rapid c焊割, and 十大娱乐彩票平台 is continually innovating to meet the resulting needs.
十大娱乐彩票平台的劳动力 & 经济发展 programs and services are designed to provide 高需求劳动力职业的短期低成本教育机会; 以及与证书和学位课程相联系,为进入 在关键行业部门工作. Our workforce programs use industry business partners 以帮助检讨我们的课程,以确保学生将“工作准备”,当他们 获得他们的证书.
大都会社区学院(十大娱乐彩票平台)学徒计划提供培训解决方案 including hands-on, work-based approaches for real-life learning.
These solutions include the apprenticeship program, designed to meet the needs of 改变行业.
十大娱乐平台排行榜通过定制的在职培训来改善劳动力 以及认可的课程.
Employees are equipped with the skills necessary for the most demanding positions 而工作.
十大娱乐平台排行榜的学徒部门为寻求创业的企业和行业提供服务 一个新注册的学徒或工会希望提高他们的学徒 program by supplementing coursework resulting in a degree.
十大娱乐平台排行榜可以作为公司学徒计划的赞助商,与公司合作 并在学生成长过程中提供组织支持 熟练工人采用在职培训和课堂教学相结合的方式.
十大娱乐平台排行榜在其校园内提供许多职业和技术教育项目 programs are coordinated at a district level.
我们正在为明天培养今天的劳动力,我们也将重点放在中等教育上 和就业中心,所以我们与机构的合作提供了清晰的途径 high school into industry or four-year institutions.
十大娱乐彩票平台 offers many Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs across its campuses 在不同的社区地点. CTE programs combine academic and technical skills with the knowledge and training to succeed in的 labor market.
CTE课程通过向学生介绍专业知识,使他们为高要求的职业生涯做好准备 competencies in a real-world, applied context. 这些认证项目可以提供 industry recognized credentials and degrees in many areas including:
- 企业管理
- Law, public safety, corrections and security
- 市场营销
- 卫生和医学
- 信息技术
- 供暖、通风和空调
- 制造业
- 工程与技术
- 酒店管理
- 焊接
- 和更多的
十大娱乐彩票平台's extended learning is referred to as Continuing Education. 这些培训项目 promote lifelong learning through short-term workforce training, and professional development courses for career c焊割 and advancement.
这些范围广泛的项目提供入门级证书,并支持扩展学习 为专业人员提供机会,包括警察、消防员、紧急医疗人员 技术人员,也为学生在医疗保健、制造业、 和运输.
我们的课程满足您的需求,并提供个性化的机会 enrichment, workforce readiness, and career advancement.
课程在校园、各种社区网站或网上提供,以进一步学习 learning accessible for people in communities we serve.
通过社区教育单元,满足社区成员终身素质的需要 learning opportunities are met through partnerships, programs and classes.
无论兴趣是什么,世界环境署的社区教育部门都有所需的东西 为了丰富和乐趣的教育. Classes offered include drivers education, motorcycle 安全和成人在线非学分课程.
企业学院为企业提供各种服务,以支持其可持续发展 和经济增长.
这些服务包括为员工定制培训和专业发展. 还提供咨询服务和战略执行,以协助改进 提高效率和增加收入.
公司是否在评估 a skill gap or providing basic training to fulfill 要求在安全、或技术技能培训,企业学院单位将 设计和交付针对特定业务需求定制的业务解决方案.
企业学院还与地方、州和联邦政府合作 确定额外的支持资源,以减少或可能避免财政负担 impact on的 business for these training 和经济增长 services.
通过企业学院,十大娱乐彩票平台可以为企业提供各种服务 希望为员工提供岗前评估,并协调培训计划.
Sessions can be on-site or off-site, for large groups. 公司是否在评估 技能差距或提供高质量的培训,以满足领导的要求 软技能整合或人力资源相关科目,企业学院可以安排 the instructors, curriculum, and evaluation.
The 经济发展 unit supports the economic development of businesses and 通过确定进入、维持和发展业务所需的劳动力来建立社区 in a changing world; by assisting and supporting private sector investment; and by creating opportunities for the creation of wealth and increase in的 standard of 为所服务社区的所有人而生活.
This is done through collaborations and partnerships with community stakeholders, 确定企业和工业今天以及未来的劳动力需求, 鼓励创业,成为引进支持性资源的渠道 for business growth and sustainability, and uniting communities in的 region for more broadly shared economic well-being and quality of life.
The 经济发展 Unit additionally partners with local industry to assist them in accessing state workforce training funds. 我们的专业知识和经验 government and industry partners is a pivotal contribution to the process. 在 过去几年,十大娱乐平台排行榜与多家公司合作,获得了3600多万美元的资金 来自密苏里工程定制培训项目和密苏里工程的国家资金 New Jobs Training and Job Retention Training program.
欲了解更多信息,请与我们联系. We can help 你 find a pathway into education 这很适合你!
GPOEC提供有关高危害、职业安全和环境的技术课程 关于四个州地区最新健康和安全标准的合规主题 密苏里州、爱荷华州、堪萨斯州和内布拉斯加州. As the region's only OSHA Education Center, the certified OSHA courses are designed to help participants understand standards and learn的 skills needed to know to avoid costly fines and dangerous accidents.
For business and industry, ensuring that companies meet federal OSHA guidelines to keep employees safe and insurance costs down, is a primary focus. 自1992年以来, GPOEC是该地区唯一提供OSHA培训机构教育中心 最新的授权培训. Whether training is needed on-site or in advanced 实验室和专门的密闭空间模拟器,公司的安全团队可以接受培训 以符合最新的OSHA标准. To identify the best option for 你 or 你r company, 立即十大娱乐彩票平台. 让我们帮你找到一个解决方案.
如果你是一个为有需要的个人服务的机构,成为世纪挑战大使并允许 我们将与您合作,支持和帮助您的客户获得可生活的工资 在很短的时间内.
作为合作伙伴,第一时间收到更新、营销材料、资金支持、 创新培训和新闻. 与十大娱乐平台排行榜的员工合作 & 经济发展 带来“E”.P.I.C.“改变我们的社区.
它成为现实,当 Everyone Participates In的 C焊割! A strong community is both an "Educated" and an "Employed" 社区, and to得到her 我们可以做到.
我们的目标是通过与雇主、社区合作,提供一支准备充分的劳动力队伍 组织、政府机构和教育机构提供职业 readiness education to a broad spectrum of students. 我们希望不断改进 “管道”的清晰和方便的途径,帮助学生连接的职业生涯 以及继续教育. We believe that education is ideally ongoing, even when students 都在工作. We offer new skills to face new challenges in an ever-changing 职业文化.
你在寻找更多的熟练工人吗? 你对投资入门感兴趣吗 level employees and preparing them for 你r workplace? 你需要培训在职人员吗 随着工作任务的变化? Do 你 need to provide HR training, but don't want 内部处理? Do 你 need to assess 你r employees (or potential employees) to find gaps in的ir skills so 你 can customize training for them? 或者,你想 assistance connecting to government resources to train 你r workforce? 我们为您提供解决方案.
Do 你 want industry recognized credentials that will prepare 你 for well-paying jobs, sometimes in just a few months of study? 你现有的证书需要吗 Continuing Education Units or other ongoing education? 你是在找人帮忙准备吗 进入劳动力市场? Are 你 a lifelong learner on的 lookout for next steps and 兴趣课程? Do 你 want to expand 你r skill base to further 你r career? 我们为您提供解决方案.
联系员工 & 经济发展
电话: 816.604.1000
电子邮件: 得到.ahead@mobeetrack.com (任何企业或雇主)